<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/93ac317f-c709-4045-99e3-939e6263059b/513bbcf2-cf90-400e-b6ce-39c56236b0d6/Group.svg" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/93ac317f-c709-4045-99e3-939e6263059b/513bbcf2-cf90-400e-b6ce-39c56236b0d6/Group.svg" width="40px" /> I'm Mark, your podcast problem-solver. Here's the document I send to people whenever they ask about starting a podcast.


A podcast is an ongoing commitment to communicate honestly and openly with your audience, to make space for conversations that matter, and to build long-lasting trust.

You’ll demonstrate your authority and open yourself up to new people and opportunities, and if you’re willing to be generous with your time, your knowledge and your experience, you’ll have a body of work that showcases the impact you can have on the world.

We don’t have to get it perfect from episode one — we just have to turn up and hit Record.

What is a podcast?

The word "podcast" has got a bit muddled over the years, and it's often misunderstood. A podcast is a regular show (usually audio, but occasionally video) that's downloadable over the web. The tech isn't important for now, but the best rule of thumb is this: If you can't play it in the Apple Podcasts app, it isn't a podcast.

Podcasts can be played on lots of different devices, but Apple maintain their own directory, and they only accept podcasts as described above.

What isn't a podcast?

A YouTube channel is not a podcast, because it can only be played in the YouTube ecosystem. If you're looking to make a "video podcast", most likely you're creating a YouTube channel. It's not my area of focus, but there are lots of people who can help you.

If a show – video or audio – is only playable in one app, it's not a podcast. Part of the definition means that it can be freely downloaded by anyone and played on any app.

Why is this distinction important?

Different media has different expectations. Anyone can make a podcast and distribute it, without a gatekeeper in the way. But because of that, there's no algorithm governing how podcast content is discovered.

So while it can be harder to build an initial audience, you have total control over your content and potential monetisation.

OK, let's get to the good stuff

Below are my recommendations for equipment, software, and services to help you make a successful podcast. But before you spend a penny on gear, you need to be clear on why you're making a podcast, who it's for, and how the listener benefits.

Concept and positioning

It all starts with your Listener Story: a single sentence that describes your show, your listener, and the benefit they receive from spending time with you.

The single sentence at the heart of your podcast strategy

Some other things to consider